The Garden Report #147
Sunday, July 6, 2014
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Stunning white peonies at Audrey's farm |
Photos: Heather Lowe took the picture of the Japanese Lilac at the old Regina
Inn. It looks great! Maureen Hawley took the photo of the Morden
‘Sunrise’ rose, which appeared to be dead, all the way through the month of
May. The rose is in our garden. I can’t remember who took the shot
of the sedum. It blooms later in the year, end of August and September
and it is wonderful. The stunning white peony was shot by Audrey
Drummond. Her peonies are incredible this year. Our tulips are now
officially finished for the season and have been replaced with annuals.
We replant every October (sometimes in September) after the frost has wiped out
the annuals. The next shot is of some calliper trees that Michel Touchette
is growing in Portage La Prairie. And last but not least, Penny from
Calgary loves to share her house with animals looking for a friend.
I get that.
Readers write: Keith Carpenter is my tulip bulb rep, though
his Dutch heritage is in dispute. Keith writes to us from the Vancouver
area. “I have been enjoying your pictures of the tulips in the last few Garden
Reports. It sure took them a lot longer, this spring, to get
going with the cool weather that you were having. With those delays it
seems like you have to look at what you want for next spring, right after this
spring’s blooming is finished.”
There were many
emails regarding The Vietnam War. Here are a few of the responses.
From Jim Tomkins. “Your recent reminiscences in The Garden Report
about the Vietnam War brought back a lot of memories; they immediately
brought to mind a Pulitzer-Prize-winning book about that conflict and what
happened behind the scenes: ‘A Bright Shining Lie’ by Neil Sheehan. I read it
about twenty years ago and it made a profound impression on me. Joanne
Terry’s email reads “Hi Rod – Thoroughly enjoyed your Garden Report
this morning. Your piece on ‘I have no dog in this fight’ really hit home
to me. You are so right that the Vietnam War was a senseless farce and
killed too many young men and women and children. You are a great
writer and so interesting that it makes me want to read.” Rod’s note:
I did write a play about a Canadian soldier, from Saskatchewan, who
served in Vietnam. It was titled ‘Paradise’. I wrote it in
2007. It got rave reviews from CBC and my audiences, but The Winnipeg
Free Press and The Winnipeg Sun flunked it. I really do prefer the compliments.
Robert Barbour writes: “Thank you for the new newsletter. I really enjoy it.
Your editorial on the Vietnam war was right on and can translate to the Iraq/Afghanistan
conflicts especially in light of the events of this week. I am at a loss as to
how our illustrious leaders think they can resolve a conflict that is
thousands of years old. What a waste of our soldiers lives and I can’t imagine
what their families feel about it.” Rob Gee resides in Leicester, England
and his view is this: “I was wanting to compliment your thoughts about Vietnam,
which I thought were absolutely on the nail. I think I might adopt the 'I have
no dog in this fight' philosophy. Interestingly, one thing I've noticed about
the North American dialogue on the subject, is that commentators almost always
put the number of fatalities in the tens of thousands. It's actually closer to
three million, but no one seems to count the Vietnamese.”
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Siberian Iris are stunning planted in the sun |
Neil Slater
continues our common struggle. That struggle being waged by us so called
‘oatmeal savages’ throughout Canada. Neil writes: “But bagpipes are
forever, as is ‘Scotland the Brave’, alas. Make music, not war!”
Sherrie Tutt is
filled with nice things to say. I wrote last week that I am all in favour
of people who write nice things about me. “Thanks so much Rod. You are
the gold standard in gardening information. Happy summer.”
· I have not seen
Morag Armbruster for several years, wherever she is hiding, but Morag is still
a regular reader. She writes: “Just a thanks for The Garden
Report, I really enjoy reading it. And also I shared your
thought for the day on our white board at the drop in centre here at APSS and
it seems like everyone who reads it chuckles. (We did give you
credit for it.) ”
Our local
‘matriarch of the arts’ and my spell checker, Jean Freeman, writes “I love your
mind, your passions, your plant-smarts and genial curmudgeonliess (you should
see what my spell-checker has tried to turn THAT word into!!) Thank you
for all of it!”
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A Japanese Tree Lilac planted by the old Regina Inn |
Livingstone was the first to respond to #145 and this is what she wrote:
“Thanks for another great issue of The Garden Report. It
seems somehow fitting that it should come out with the sunshine!”
Boy oh
boy: Some of my best observations
(I write, tongue firmly placed inside cheek) are of people in their normal
habitat. You know. People shopping at Safeway, eating supper at Siam, registering
at the hospital. These people give me such unlimited fodder for my
writing. One of my friends saw me as she exited a lingerie shop at The
Golden Mile. I cracked “so what do you have in your shopping bag”.
She hissed at me “so help me God, if this shows up in one of your columns or
blogs, I will kill you!” Nice talk for a well educated woman. That
is why I am not mentioning it.
Listening to
other conversations: I am standing
in line at The Italian Star, home of Carlo Giambattista, who is truly
Romanian, masquerading as Italian, ‘cause the girls love Italians and not so
much, the Romanians. I have my sheep’s’ milk feta cheese and bucatinni in
hand and I am number three from the front of the till. A woman, around
twenty years of age, is standing behind me. She is bored. She
retrieves her phone, actually it was in her hand all of the time, calls someone
and subjects me to the following: “Yeah. I am standing in line at
The Italian Star. God…I am so bored. Really? How much shame
does she want to bring on herself? Yeah…the grandparents are out of
control doing their thing. I know, I know, what can you do?” I
looked over my shoulder. She had two chocolate bars in her other hand.
The home of some great Italian sandwiches, and she had not one, but two,
chocolate bars for her lunch. I have struggled my entire life with weight
issues (and so does she) and all I can say in my defence is that I do not eat
chocolate bars for lunch. I cook bucattini and serve it with fresh lemon
and feta cheese and perhaps, lots of garlic. The word ‘perhaps’ was
not really needed.
There was a part of me, the non Canadian part, that wanted to pull my phone out
of my pocket, call anyone and begin conversing in a loud, conversational voice,
“Yeah. I am standing in line at The Italian Star. I am so
bored. There’s like this chick who is yapping on her phone behind me,
talking about stuff we really don’t care about and get this, she is eating
chocolate bars for lunch. As if!” Of course, I didn’t. As you
do also, I endured, but one day I am going to snap and shake off my Canadian
It takes a drunk
to bring order to chaos: We take the bus or walk in Vancouver. Very few people drive
because of the insane traffic and the parking fees. It is much easier to
get around on foot and bus. It was just before supper and the bus was
packed. We all stood, hanging onto the top rail. A drunk man gets
on the bus. He might have been homeless. He was not well
dressed. He spots an uptight dude in his thirties. The man he spots
is a lawyer or an accountant, probably from down town, as he is dressed
impeccably. He hates the bus. He has laid his brief case across the
seat next to him He radiates “leave me alone”. And we do. The
drunk has no such social constraint. He picks up the man’s brief case,
hands it to him and sits down in the now empty seat. The dude is vibing
that his space has been invaded. The drunk says to him in a voice that
all of us can hear “you can’t claim two seats, it is not right!”
Yep. All of us agreed with the drunk but we let this ass get away with
lying his briefcase across the seat so no one else would sit beside him.
Three stars for the drunk.
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Reader Penny P. shares her home with those who need one |
The Fringe is
worth every cent: This year
is the 10th time there has been a Regina Fringe Festival. I am
perfectly aware that we are the smallest of the festivals in Canada.
Edmonton and Winnipeg have done an incredible job of bringing down the
crowds. My hat is off to them. But, even though we are small, rest
assured, we still attract the ‘A listers’. Those shows that sell out at
other festivals are easily accessible here and they are worth checking
out. For ten bucks a ticket, a price that I think is too low for the
performers, it is a bargain for audiences. The Festival is on this
year from July 9th to the 13th and for those without a
calendar, that is this Wednesday to Sunday.
The Secret
Garden Tour: This year, the
tour runs this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For the price of
the passport, you have an opportunity to see some of the finest gardens in
Regina. It is worth the time and your support goes to our only pro dance
company, New Dance Horizons. Congrats to Robin Poitras for her efforts.
Garden Tip: With all the rain we have had here in Saskatchewan, plants are starting to show stress. Usually, rain is good for our gardens and our crops but as with everything, too much of a good thing…and you already know how the rest of that goes. Plant stress is showing up in a few formats. If a plant is drooping, from too much water, there is not too much a gardener can do unless you are willing to lift it out and relocate it to dryer ground. What I have been noticing around town are many plants suffering from iron chlorosis. When leaves turn a premature yellow and the veins of the leaf become readily apparent, chances are there is iron chlorosis present. The best way to treat that problem is with iron chelate, sold sometimes as ‘Tru Green’. Plants that appear to be affected include roses, geraniums and peonies. Mountain Ash, apple trees, cherries and plums are also very susceptible to iron chlorosis so keep an eye on those species.
Garden Tip: With all the rain we have had here in Saskatchewan, plants are starting to show stress. Usually, rain is good for our gardens and our crops but as with everything, too much of a good thing…and you already know how the rest of that goes. Plant stress is showing up in a few formats. If a plant is drooping, from too much water, there is not too much a gardener can do unless you are willing to lift it out and relocate it to dryer ground. What I have been noticing around town are many plants suffering from iron chlorosis. When leaves turn a premature yellow and the veins of the leaf become readily apparent, chances are there is iron chlorosis present. The best way to treat that problem is with iron chelate, sold sometimes as ‘Tru Green’. Plants that appear to be affected include roses, geraniums and peonies. Mountain Ash, apple trees, cherries and plums are also very susceptible to iron chlorosis so keep an eye on those species.
Garden Tip: Several people have told me that trollius cannot be grown in Regina. “Just not hardy enough.” I planted a dozen trollius in Sandra Rayson’s garden three years ago. Each June, they grow like ‘The Dickens’ and bloom profusely. Sandra and I chuckle when I retell the same advice, again and again. “These are not really hardy for Regina.”
Garden Tip: Several people have told me that trollius cannot be grown in Regina. “Just not hardy enough.” I planted a dozen trollius in Sandra Rayson’s garden three years ago. Each June, they grow like ‘The Dickens’ and bloom profusely. Sandra and I chuckle when I retell the same advice, again and again. “These are not really hardy for Regina.”
'Autumn Joy' sedum blooms late August or early September |
Garden Tip: There is a ‘horticultural fact’ that is a myth,
not reality. The myth says that none of us should do any pruning or
trimming of our trees, shrubs, perennials or annuals during July. It is too
late according to the myth. The reality is that I prune, nip and tuck
plants all of the time, in July. It is not too late and if it is supposed
to hurt the plant, I have not seen any evidence of that being the case.
Of course, I could be wrong with this being only my thirty-eighth year. I
know, I know, I am getting a little snarly as I age. Do keep in mind that
it is illegal and unethical to prune your elm trees until September 1st.
This law is to prevent Dutch Elm Disease and has nothing to do with the
benefits of pruning.
Michel and his calliper trees Portage la Prairie, Manitoba |
Perhaps it’s an
age thing: I did volunteer work
at Access for seven years. A woman, who worked at Access, was
twenty-eight. One day she told me that she did not understand why anyone
watched my television show on gardening. “It’s a dumb show”. I asked her how
old she was and she told me. All I could mutter was “uh huh”.
Two years later, the same woman spots me and asks me a dozen questions on
gardening. I got right up in her grill: “Aren't you the same person
who thought my show was a waste of time? So why the change of attitude on
your part?” Her answer: “We bought a house.” I had a friend
who owned a nursery in Saskatoon. His name was Pat and his favourite
saying was “it depends whose ox is being gored.” In other words, the
woman who now asked questions was no longer going dancing and staying out all
night. She was a home-owner and she was wanting to make her place look
nice. She was now ready for me, or at least ready for my information.
I, also, do not go out dancing, late at night. I am in bed early,
up early, and out in the garden, early. Not bragging. Just saying I
am making much better choices these days.
Parking lot
shaming: There is a site on
Facebook that posts photos of bad parking. I get it. On a very
bright note, public shaming, something I am not opposed to, does work.
Since the page came out a month ago and was on television, I have been extra
careful to ensure I park properly. I certainly don’t want a photo, of my
vehicle in an asinine parking position, posted. Of course, the decent
people out there will pull up their socks and ensure they park responsibly but
the idiots do carry on. Saturday night, at The Dairy Queen, a driver did not
want to drive to the back parking lot so what did she do? She parked in
the driving lane, right by the front door, and went in. There is, deep
inside of me, a tow truck driver, waiting to emerge. As an aside, Maureen
goes off her nut, at the grocery stores, with people who use up four spaces to
angle park and to protect their ‘special car’. One of our readers writes
that he likes to take a piece of chalk and draw an outline around the car with
the words, ‘Reserved for Assholes’. That made me laugh.
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'Negrita' and 'Maureen' tulips planted together Now, they are finished for the season |
Mea culpa: Last week, I identified my Mandevilla hanging
basket, the one hanging by the back door, as a hibiscus in the
attachments. I know it is a Mandevilla and I don’t know why I labelled it
as a hibiscus as we rarely grow hibiscus outdoors. At least in Regina, we
don’t grow them outdoors. If you read this in Maui, don’t argue with
me. I know, I know what you grow outdoors there.
Thought for the
day: I just keep forgetting what I already know.
Have you ever looked for your glasses only to find out you had them on?
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This Morden 'Sunrise' appeared dead until the end of May. Now, it blooms! |
Thanks for
reading this week…Rod McDonald in sunny and humid Regina
These are a lot of garden tips! I particularly like your pruning tip. The general rule is to prune, but leave something behind for the tree to recover. Pruning greatly helps trees as it "energizes" them. There are issues with pruning as winter approaches, so it's a good idea to ask an expert on when's the perfect time to prune before it gets cold. Thanks for the tips, and for your pics!
ReplyDeleteMike Gurung @ Bay Area Tree Specialists