The Garden Report #69
Sunday, February 19th, 2012
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Canadian Artist Rose 'Bill Reid'-photo courtesy of Peter Harris |
• Readers write:
• Georgia Hearn remains positive. “The Valentine sentiment touches my heart and makes all of us appreciate the need for laughter. We could use more of it. And to think, after Valentine's, spring is not far away.”
• Mike Liske from The Classic Landscape Company enjoys customers who plan ahead. “You are very right. Now is the time to prepare for your landscape project.”
• Heather Lowe had this to say. “I agree with Gursch…perhaps you have outgrown the name of your blog….I’ve wondered that for awhile. Not that I have a better suggestion, mind you.”
• Marian Donnelly wants artists to know that there is a submission process in place for a mural to recognize the 1912 tornado that swept across Regina. If you need more information, I can forward you her contact address.
• Gail Aubin of Carman, Manitoba always sees the bright side of life. “Always nice to get this newsletter in February, to remind us that spring is around the corner.”
• Joana Cook is working in South Africa these days and has been accepted into the PHD program at King’s College, this September. She wrote “Good to see The Garden Report coming out again. It's a great way to keep on top of (and keep me a bit grounded with) Regina.”
• Jan Pederson in Winnipeg has a sense of humor. He wrote: “Your police (former paperboy) story has provided endless laughter around the house.”
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'New Day' |
Canadian Artist Rose 'Campfire' |
Cheryl's 'Aerogarden' |
• Garden Tip: Reader Cheryl Geiger-Paul sent along photos of her ‘Aerogarden’. She has had these herbs growing for only three weeks and they have really taken off. They receive around sixteen hours of artificial sunlight a day.
• An alternate universe: Many years ago, I had a customer ask me to provide a quote. He wanted me to cut down four large trees in his back yard. The trees were in good shape. I asked him why? He said that the trees interfered with his view of the park. I said “so you want me to cut down these four trees so you can look at other trees?” He responded with a ‘yes’. I refused. He found someone else. I think there is a moral to this story. It is: If you want to do something stupid, you will always find someone to join you in your mission.
• The older we get, the more we become: When I was a young boy, perhaps eight or nine years of age, my mother and I were out for a visit on a Sunday evening. I can’t recall who we were visiting, but we were somewhere around the corner of 13th Avenue and Wascana Street. My mother began chatting to a woman over her side fence about her garden. After a two or three minute chat, the woman invited us into her kitchen. I asked my mother if we were related to this woman or how we knew her. My mother told me we were not related. They had just met. My mother was a farm girl and no doubt this woman was also a farm girl. Regina, in the 1950’s and 60’s was still a collection of farm people, a glorified small town. I learned an important lesson that night. The basic adage: A stranger is only a friend who we have not yet met.
• Becoming our mothers, Part #2: In 1975, I was twenty-three years of age. My father was deceased, my siblings were working, so my mother and I went to California on a two person, family vacation. We were in Los Angles and my mother began a conversation with a woman her age. The woman lived in L.A. They quickly became new found friends. The woman asked my mother to join her at a singles dance for people of their age group that Saturday. I was flabbergasted that we had only been in L.A. three days, and my mother already had a circle of new friends. And to boot, she was going dancing on Saturday night. You see, I was way too cool to talk to anyone. So I remained aloof, waiting for the world, (and the girls) to come to me. Need I write, I spent Saturday night alone with no one to talk to or to dance with? As I write this, I am now older than my mother was in 1975. I talk to anyone. I don’t care if we know each other. If I am in the grocery story, a conversation can erupt over the merits of the blueberries, their cost and quality. I no longer need a formal introduction to chat with someone at The Symphony. We have Dvorak in common. That is enough of a primer. I am no longer way too cool. I no longer wait for the world to come to me.
• Really?: I was at The Symphony last Saturday. A woman, closer in age to ninety than she was to eighty, engages me in a conversation. She informs me that she recently held a garage sale. She told me that she sold her skates and her skis. I was so tempted to ask her if she had kept her stripper pole or had that been sold as well. But I didn’t know how that one would fly. Morale of the story: Humor is important, but discretion, is the better part of living a long life.
Part of the 'Aerogarden' |
• Just so you know: I get emails every week from readers who ask me to add their friends to the list of Garden Report readers. I do that, assuming it is okay with the person to be added. If by chance, you were added to the list by a friend, and do not want to be included, that is okay with me. A short note, and you will be deleted.
• Garden Tip: At one time, begonia bulbs or more correctly, begonia tubers, were easy to find. Lots of colors and lots of choices. A great highlight for the shade. Not so anymore. Are starting your own begonia tubers worth the effort? Yes and no. Yes, they provide you with bigger plants, vivid colors and varieties not always available at greenhouses. No, because they are easily susceptible to overwatering, mildew and slugs. If you are going to grow them, now is a good time to start. Just remember the Achilles heel of this plant is too much water. When it is garden time, they do perform very well in raised pots or planters, which gives you more control over slug maintenance.
• Garden Tip: Now is a good time to be scouting out some new and different garden pots for this coming season. I have long been an advocate of container gardening because it provides the gardener with so many more options. Container gardening allows the gardener to put their best foot forward, displaying only the prime pots and hiding the less successful ones in the back garden. Containers allow the older gardener more opportunities, not having to bend over as much. Container gardens allow the gardener more control over the watering and the drainage, which has been a problem during the wet years. Do I practice what I preach? I ‘bang up’, my euphemism for planting, between forty and fifty pots every spring. To reduce the weight of my larger pots, I place in the bottom, old plastic pots and trays, and then fill the gaps with potting soil. My potting soil of choice is Premier’s Pro Mix. Best way to purchase it is in the 3.8 c.f. grower size. Usually, under thirty dollars for the bale. It fluffs up to be about double its size in volume.
Top grafted Little Leaf Lilac |
• Thanks for reading…Rod McDonald in Regina
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